
Lee Asquith-Coe

Ranked Movies

Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt
1Edge of Tomorrow 83.1%40%60%0%0%0%
2About Time 75.77%31.6%42.1%26.3%0%0%
3Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 70.92%8.3%66.7%25%0%0%
4Christopher Robin 58.33%0%33.3%66.7%0%0%
5RED 2 55.97%8.3%16.7%58.3%8.3%8.3%
6The Commuter 54.33%0%33.3%66.7%0%0%
7Diana 39.5%0%16.7%33.3%0%50%
Rank Movie Avg - Buttery Regular Half-Popped Stale Burnt

Un-Ranked Movies

Movie Current Avg
Redemption 41.5%
Movie Current Avg

magbo system