

Lists: Comedy, Slapstick comedy, HPR Selects

Brief Synopsis: "As not-quite-orderlies who're downright Disorderlies, rap-music favorites The Fat Boys rule. Playing the freewheeling caretakers of the frail Dennison (Hollywood legend Ralph Bellamy), they stir up a comedic culture clash in Palm Beach society that only proves laughter is the best medicine this side of a tax refund."

Overall Ranking: - (Rank from 1987: # 0)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

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Reviewer Rating Review
Rob from GuysFilmQuest85

People Involved

  • Mark Morales (Markie)
  • Darren Robinson (Buffy)
  • Damon Wimbley (Kool)
  • Ralph Bellamy (Albert Dennison)
  • Tony Plana (Miguel)
  • Anthony Geary (Winslow Lowry)
  • Rick Neilsen (Car Jacked Guy)
  • Michael Schultz (Director)
  • magbo system