Reviewer Profile

MaddWolfCat Movie Reviewer Profile

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Ratings Breakdown

Nothing here yet but I hope to soon.


Title Year Rating Rank Review
A Crime on the Bayou2021851(full review) - This moving film is a reminder that the world does change, but slowly.
Murder Bury Win2020802(full review) - Murder Bury Win shines best when it’s being silly, and the more fun it has, the better it gets.
The Shepherdess and the Seven Songs2020802(full review) - As Laila goes out into the world to fight her own battles against the men that dog every step, the traditional songs of her culture, the bleating of goats, and even sometimes the thunderous silence of the forest all become a haunting soundtrack to her own introspection.
The King's Man2021754(full review) - Director and co-writer Matthew Vaughn returns for his third entry in the franchise with something darker and sillier, plagued with tonal whiplash.
Autumn Road2021705(full review) - It’s a good feature film debut done on the indie scale. But there’s room for growth.

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