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Brief Synopsis: "When implanted in a person's wrist, a TiMER counts down to the day the wearer finds true love. But Oona O'Leary faces the rare dilemma of a blank TiMER. Her soul mate - whoever and wherever he is - has yet to have a TiMER implanted. Staring down the barrel of thirty and tired of waiting for her would-be life partner to get off the dime, Oona breaks her own rules and falls for Mikey, a charming and inappropriately young supermarket clerk with a countdown of four months."

Overall Ranking: - (Rank from 2009: # 0)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

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Reviewer Rating Review
Gorgon Reviews61(full review)

People Involved

  • Emma Caulfield (Oona)
  • Michelle Borth (Steph)
  • John Patrick Amedori (Mikey)
  • Desmond Harrington (Dan the Man)
  • JoBeth Williams (Marion)
  • Jac Schaeffer (Director)
  • magbo system