
Crocodile Dundee

Lists: Adventure, Comedy, Action Comedy, Romantic Comedy

Brief Synopsis: "When a New York reporter plucks crocodile hunter Dundee from the Australian Outback for a visit to the Big Apple, it's a clash of cultures and a recipe for good-natured comedy as naïve Dundee negotiates the concrete jungle. Dundee proves that his instincts are quite useful in the city and adeptly handles everything from wily muggers to high-society snoots without breaking a sweat."

Overall Ranking: 1243 (Rank from 1986: # 9)

Adjusted* Rating:
(lowest rating dropped)

Ratings Breakdown
(The Mixed Bag)

Buttery 16.67%
Regular 66.67%
Half-Popped 16.67%
Stale 0%
Burnt 0%


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People Involved

  • Paul Hogan (Michael J. Crocodile Dundee)
  • Linda Kozlowski (Sue Charlton)
  • John Meillon (Walter Reilly)
  • David Gulpilil (Neville Bell)
  • Peter Faiman (Director)
  • magbo system